Aberdeen’s Holiday Decorating

Aberdeen’s Wedding Florists is proud to welcome you to the Aberdeen’s Holiday Décor department. Our talented staff will take all of the work out of decorating your home, office, restaurant, or retail space for the holidays so that you can focus on family. If your décor needs are work related, we can allow you to focus on what your company does and let us worry about make your space beautiful.

Here is how the process works:

  1. Call or email Aberdeen’s to set up a no obligation appointment for us to see the space/home that you would like to have decorated.
  2. We will come out and meet with to access your desired outcome and budget.
  3. If selected, we will set up an installation date to wire your space for lights, décor, etc.
  4. You get to enjoy the lights throughout the holidays. If maintenance is required, we will take care if it asap.
  5. We will set up a striking date after the holidays to remove all decorations, lights, etc.